About Us
The Kent Scouts Climbing Scout Active Support Unit are Scouters who hold climbing permits within the county.
The team organise trips away, assist with climbing events around the county and run both training and assessments for climbing. Although everyone with a climbing permit in Kent is a member of the team there is a core group responsible for the programme:
The Climbing Team Manager is Stuart Knowles
County Climbing Assessors: Jack Moss (Head Assessor), Stuart Knowles, Dan Hood, Ben Knowles, Aaron Rutherford & Jim Hilder
County Climbing Trainers: The above and, Melvin Wilson & Debbie Smith
County Climbing Quartermaster: Jim Hilder
Climbing Team Administrator: Megan Cox
Mobile Climbing Tower Manager: Ben Knowles
Bag Jump Manager: Olie Morgan
Kent Scouts Climbing Team are always excited to meet new faces and grow the team. If you have an interest, or would like to get to know a little more about the climbing team and activities they undertake then please leave us a message.